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1. Organisms can respond to changing climatic conditions in multiple ways including changes in phenology, body size or morphology, and range shifts. Understanding how developmental temperatures affect insect life‐history timing and morphology is crucial because body size and morphology affect multiple aspects of life history, including dispersal ability, whereas phenology can shape population performance and community interactions. 2. It was experimentally assessed how developmental temperatures experienced by aquatic larvae affected survival, phenology, and adult morphology of dragonflies [Pachydiplax longipennis (Burmeister)]. Larvae were reared under three environmental temperatures: ambient, +2.5, and +5 °C, corresponding to temperature projections for our study area 50 and 100 years in the future, respectively. Experimental temperature treatments tracked naturally‐occurring variation. 3. Clear effects of temperature were found in the rearing environment on survival and phenology: dragonflies reared at the highest temperatures had the lowest survival rates and emerged from the larval stage approximately 3 weeks earlier than animals reared at ambient temperatures. There was no effect of rearing temperature on overall body size. Although neither the relative wing nor thorax size was affected by warming, a non‐significant trend towards an interaction between sex and warming in relative thorax size suggests that males may be more sensitive to warming than females, a pattern that should be investigated further. 4. Warming strongly affected survival in the larval stage and the phenology of adult emergence. Understanding how warming in the developmental environment affects later life‐history stages is critical to interpreting the consequences of warming for organismal performance.  相似文献   
Reproductive systems are life attributes important in defining the demography and genetic constitution of invasive alien species populations. We describe the phenology, floral behavior and floral visitors in Mexican populations of Leonotis nepetifolia considered invasive in America, Asia and Oceania. The mating system was determined through pollination experiments and, with a morphological analysis of flowers (outcrossing index, OCI) and pollen/ovule ratio, the breeding system was evaluated. Germination of 1 and 2-year-old seeds was tested to assess the potential characteristics of germination. Leonotis nepetifolia was reproductive for 7 months (June to December) and tended towards a specific season during autumn. Anthesis lasted 36 hr with protogyny and no hercogamy, with floral visitors of Apodiformes, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera and Thysanoptera. Pollination experiments indicated a mixed mating system, whereas the OCI and the pollen/ovule ratio pointed towards a facultative xenogamous breeding system. Seed production was high (1,445 ± 132 seeds/plant); the seeds had potential longevity and were neutral photoblastic. One-year-old seeds germinated slightly later ( = 2.6 ± 0.11 days) than 2-year-old seeds ( = 1.9 ± 0.02 days), both synchronously (IS1yr = 0.88 ± 0.03 and IS2yr = 0.82 ± 0.02). Germination percentage for 1-year-old seeds was lower (55.33 ± 4.40%) than that of 2-year-old seeds (94.18 ± 0.59%), suggesting a potential longevity of the seeds in an optimal environment. Reproductive characteristics, such as wide reproductive period, mixed breeding system, copious seed production, seeds with potential longevity, and quick and synchronic germination in different light conditions, favor the invasive capacity of Leonotis nepetifolia.  相似文献   
The evolution of maize production patterns in Argentina is evaluated over the last 25 years to compare costs, benefits, environmental performance and sustainability as well as to identify the main driving sources and improvement potential. Results from Argentina cropping systems are compared to other systems worldwide in order to put the Argentina results in a broader context. The study focuses on three farming categories: (1) traditional, low-intensity systems, (2) conventional, high-intensity systems, and (3) GMO-based cropping systems. Low input intensity systems include traditional cropping patterns with seed selection by farmers and conventional hybrid seed coupled to plowing and crop-animal rotation techniques; high input intensity systems use conventional hybrid seeds and recommended chemicals, irrigation and machinery with important soil erosion consequences; and GMO-based cropping systems use herbicide resistant transgenic hybrids, pesticides, higher fertilizer rates, and no-till practices. In each of the three cases, input flows are compared to the achieved yield (in mass and income terms) to better understand relative efficiencies and options for improvement. The study of GMO systems required a preliminary investigation of GMO seed production by seed companies, where a large investment in terms of prior knowledge and high-tech laboratory research is required. The assessments used the Emergy Accounting (EMA) approach. EMA includes material, energy, labor, money, and knowledge flows into the assessment and expands its focus over larger time and spatial scales than conventional economic and cumulative energy demand methods. Emergy-based environmental indicators of grain production for high-intensity hybrid and GMO systems both show a lower performance than low-intensity, traditional patterns in terms of resource return, renewability and sustainability. The fraction of renewability in low-intensity systems is between 28% and 63%, while it is between 8% and 26% for high-intensity hybrid and GMO systems. Calculated indicators also show that GMO-based maize production patterns do not guarantee the expected improvement over conventional high-intensity cropping systems or low-intensity systems in terms of performance and sustainability. Strong reliance on nonrenewable resources and technology, as well as role of direct and indirect labor costs are important factors in determining long-term sustainability and environmental stability of maize production systems.  相似文献   
The p53 gene encodes a 393 amino acid nuclear phosphoprotein that appears to act as a cell cycle checkpoint, possibly by transactivating other target genes. Abnormalities of the p53 gene are common in a wide range of human tumours and are associated in many cases with immunologically detectable p53 protein. Detection of p53 immunoreactivity is uncommon in normal cells, but is frequently seen in neoplasia. Here we define the optimum conditions for the detection of p53 immunoreactivity in cytological material, including fixation and storage. Immersion in acetone-methanol for 10 min is optimal, and after air drying, smears or cytospin preparations can be stored at - 70°C for at least 6 months. We describe the range of controls necessary, including the use of positive control cell lines with known mutations of the p53 gene and defined abnormalities of p53 protein. Negative controls should include cell lines (or strains) with no p53 abnormality as well as the conventional negative immunological controls. It is only with these technical caveats and controls that p53 immunoreactivity can be performed reliably on cytological specimens. Le géne p53 code pour une phosphoprotéine nucléaire de 393 acides aminés qui semble jouer en rôle dans la régulation du cycle cellulaire, probablement par transactivation d'autres gènes cibles. Les anomalies du gène p53 sont présentes dans un large éventail de tumeurs humaines et sont associées a la présence d'une protéine p53 détectable immunologiquement. La détection d'une immunoréactivité anti p53 est rare dans les cellules normales alors qu'elle est fréquente dans les tumeurs. Nous avons défini dans ce travail les conditions optimales pour la détection de l'immunoréactivité anti p53 sur matériel cytologique, y compris les conditions de fixation et de conservation. L'immersion dans l'acétone-méthanol pendant 10 minutes est optimale. Aprés séchage à l'air, les frottis ou les préparations par cytocentrifugation peuvent être stockés à—70°C pendant au moins 6 mois. Nous décrivons aussi l'éventail des contrôles nécessaires incluant I'utilisation, comme contrôle positif, de lignées cellulaires avec des mutations connues du gène p53 et des anomalies définies de la protéine p53. Les contrôles négatifs doivent comporter des lignées cellulaires (ou des espèces) sans anomalie de p53 ainsi que les contrôles immunologiques négatifs convrentionnels. C'est seulement lorsque ces précautions techniques et ces contrôles sont respectés que l'immunoréactivité anti p53 peut être étudiée valablement sur les prélèvements cytologiques. Das p53 kodiert ein aus 393 Aminosären bestehendes Phosphoprotein, das offensichtlich den Zellzyklus blockiert, möglicherweise durch Aktivierung anderer Gene. Veränderungen des p53-Gens wurden in zahlreichen menschlischen Tumoren nachgewiesen, sodaß eine positive Reaktion in Neoplasien häufig, in Normalzellen jedoch ungewöhnlich ist. Die optimalen Bedingungen für den p53-Nachweis in cytologischem Material werden hinsichtlich Fixation und Lagerung untersucht. Eine 10minütige Aceton-Methanol-Fixierung mit anschlies-sender Lufttrocknung erlaubt die Lagerung von Ausstrichen und Cytozentrifugen-präparaten bei - 70°C für mindestens 6 Monate. Die erforderlichen Kontrollen einschließlich positiver Zellinien mit bekannten Mutationen des p53-Gens und definierten Anomalien des Proteins werden beschrieben. Negativkontrollen sollten Zellinien ohne p53-Anomalie ebenso umfassen wie die üblichen negativen immunologischen Kontrollen. Nur unter diesen Bedingungen ist ein zuverlässiger Nachweis von p53 mögloch.  相似文献   
It is hypothesized that iron from biological tissues, liberated during decay, may have played a role in inhibiting loss of anatomical information during fossilization of extinct organisms. Most tissues in the animal kingdom contain iron in different forms. A widely distributed iron-bearing molecule is ferritin, a globular protein that contains iron crystallites in the form of ferrihydrite minerals. Iron concentrations in ferritin are high and ferrihydrites are extremely reactive. When ancient animals are decaying on the sea floor under anoxic environmental conditions, ferrihydrites may initialize the selective replication of some tissues in pyrite FeS2. This model explains why some labile tissues are preserved, while other more resistant structures decay and are absent in many fossils. A major implication of this hypothesis is that structures described as brains in Cambrian arthropods are not fossilization artifacts, but are instead a source of information on anatomical evolution at the dawn of complex animal life.  相似文献   
Occupancy is an important metric to understand current and future trends in populations that have declined globally. In addition, occupancy can be an efficient tool for conducting landscape-scale and long-term monitoring. A challenge for occupancy monitoring programs is to determine the appropriate spatial scale of analysis and to obtain precise occupancy estimates for elusive species. We used a multi-scale occupancy model to assess occupancy of Columbia spotted frogs in the Great Basin, USA, based on environmental DNA (eDNA) detections. We collected three replicate eDNA samples at 220 sites across the Great Basin. We estimated and modeled ecological factors that described watershed and site occupancy at multiple spatial scales simultaneously while accounting for imperfect detection. Additionally, we conducted visual and dipnet surveys at all sites and used our paired detections to estimate the probability of a false positive detection for our eDNA sampling. We applied the estimated false positive rate to our multi-scale occupancy dataset and assessed changes in model selection. We had higher naïve occupancy estimates for eDNA (0.37) than for traditional survey methods (0.20). We estimated our false positive detection rate per qPCR replicate at 0.023 (95% CI: 0.016–0.033). When the false positive rate was applied to the multi-scale dataset, we did not observe substantial changes in model selection or parameter estimates. Conservation and resource managers have an increasing need to understand species occupancy in highly variable landscapes where the spatial distribution of habitat changes significantly over time due to climate change and human impact. A multi-scale occupancy approach can be used to obtain regional occupancy estimates that can account for spatially dynamic differences in availability over time, especially when assessing potential declines. Additionally, this study demonstrates how eDNA can be used as an effective tool for improved occupancy estimates across broad geographic scales for long-term monitoring.  相似文献   
Post-mortem human subjects (PMHS) are frequently used to characterize biomechanical response and injury tolerance of humans to various types of loading by means of instrumentation installed directly on the skeleton. Data extracted from such tests are often used to develop and validate anthropomorphic test devices (ATDs), which function as human surrogates in tests for injury assessment. Given that the location and orientation of installed instrumentation differs between subjects, nominally similar measurements made on different PMHS must be transformed to standardized, skeletal-based local coordinate systems (LCS) before appropriate data comparisons can be made. Standardized PMHS LCS that correspond to ATD instrumentation locations and orientations have not previously been published. This paper introduces anatomically-defined PMHS LCS for body regions in which kinematic measurements are made using ATDs. These LCS include the head, sternum, single vertebrae, pelvis, femurs (distal and proximal), and tibiae (distal and proximal) based upon skeletal landmarks extracted from whole body CT scans. The proposed LCS provide a means to standardize the reporting of PMHS data, and facilitate both the comparison of PMHS impact data across institutions and the application of PMHS data to the development and validation of ATDs.  相似文献   
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